I’ve talked before about my infertility journey. I suffered multiple miscarriages, failed IVF treatment and nearly died from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. We now have a <5% chance of a natural, successful pregnancy per my very cheery doctors. It still hurts of course but life is life and things happen that are beyond our control.
I made a conscious choice and effort to make it clear to people that I still really want children in my life. Over the years I’ve found it really hard when my friends are meeting up and I miss out, like having children’s birthday parties and I’m the only one not invited because I don’t have a child to bring. Even though I don’t have my own children, I do love children and a completely childless life isn’t something I want to be pigeon holed in to by my circumstance.
It was therefore with true joy I gave my commitment to be a Godmother to my cousin and his wife’s daughter earlier this year.

I must confess that I had secretly been hoping I might be asked – my cousin and I have always been close, bizarrely he now works with my husband, we live fairly close, I can drop and run if I’m needed for anything at all, I go crazy in a baby clothes aisle, and most importantly I have a lot of love to give.
And love this little girl I do. She is the most wonderful of little people, and I am so honoured to be able to be a permanent part of her life.

I hope that over the years I’m able to play with her, learn about what she’s interested in, support her dreams, take her on adventures small and big, perhaps if she’s interested teach her another language, show her that she can be whatever she wants to be, and play a small part in helping her feel strong and confident, whatever path she chooses. And most importantly, whatever she needs, whenever she needs it, I’ll be there.

So life might have given me a few rotten lemons, but its also given me an awful lot of lemonade too. And my little goddaughter, you are a blessing for which I’m incredibly grateful. I look forward to years of adventure with you.
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