A Perfect 2 day Carcassonne Itinerary

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I’m finally getting around to typing up my trip to France in mid-July earlier this year. It’s safe to say I fell in love with Carcassonne. Situated in the south of France, it’s an absolutely gorgeous place which seems to be well off the typical tourist trail. It’s famous for being one of the best preserved medieval fortresses in the world, albeit a lot of it is a restoration completed in 1853 so not the Roman original.

The area inside the beautiful fortress walls is known as the Citadel and was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 1997. There’s then a new town outside of the city walls with lots more to explore – and it’s easy to fill 2 beautiful days in this wonderful city (and even better if you’re there for the Bastille Day Fireworks). So let’s go exploring.

  1. Contents
  2. Itinerary Day 1: Inside the Citadel
    1. Narbonne Gate
    2. Old Town Streets
    3. Chateau Viewpoint
    4. Chateau Comtal & Ramparts
    5. Traditional Lunch
    6. The Basilica
    7. Museum of the Inquisition
    8. Walk the walls
    9. Dinner and drinks
  3. Itinerary Day 2: Beyond the Citadel
    1. Medieval City View Point
    2. Walk the external loop
    3. Mirador (Pont Neuf)
    4. Bastide
    5. Canal du Midi
    6. Pont Vieux
    7. Carcassonne Park
  4. Have a Little longer?

Start your day off by entering the city through the Narbonne Gate which dates from the middle of the 1200s and is a gorgeous entry to the city. Also keep your eye out for the statue of the Lady Carcas – the figure of great legend. The story goes back to the 700s during the wars between Christians and Muslims in the region. At the time, Carcassonne was under Saracen rule and Charlemagne’s army was at the gates to reconquer the city.

At the gate with the Lady Carcas in the shade on the right

The story is that Lady Carcas, who ruling the city at the time, was running out of food after 5 years of siege. She had one pig and a bag of wheat left – so she fed the pig the wheat and then chucked it out of the city walls. Charlemagne lifted the siege, believing that the city had enough food to the point of wasting fat pigs. Overjoyed by the success of her plan, Lady Carcas decided to sound all the bells in the city. One of Charlemagne’s men then exclaimed: “Carcas sonne!” (which means “Carcas rings”). Hence the name of the city.

Carcassonne is full of winding, cobbled streets like something out of a fairytale. Spending an hour or two just wondering them and exploring is one of the best things you can do on your visit, and I recommend doing it upfront to get a feel for the place.

More pretty streets

Within the medieval walls is a castle in and of itself – Chateau Comtal. You can get a beautiful view of it from the viewing platform just in front; the perfect spot for photos and an icecream!

View to the Chateau from the viewing platform

After looking from the outside, it’s time to go inside. The Château Comtal (Count’s Castle) is a medieval castle which was restored in 1853, and it costs EUR9 per person to enter. It’s worth spending at least a couple of hours inside, and one of the best things about the Chateau is that you can walk the ramparts and go in and out of some of the turrets for gorgeous views across the city.

Rampart views

After your morning exploring the castle, it’s time to refuel. When in France it’s a must to try some traditional food – I decided on a delicious baked Camembert for lunch from Le Bar à Vins de la Cité. It was delicious.

Hello delicious baked camambert

After lunch, another must visit in the city walls is the Basilica. The original church is thought to have been constructed in the 6th century during the reign of the Visigoths. Then in 1096, Pope Urban II visited and a new version was built and in the 1200s the version you see today was reconstructed in the Gothic style.

The majestic Basilica

After the Basilica, head to the Museum of the Inquisition which spans across 2 sites – the torture museum and the inquisition museum. These museums tell the story of the persecution in the 11-1300s by the Catholic church against the people in the area. Persecution wasn’t just against religious opposition (largely the Cathars, a branch of Christianity that the Catcholic Church deemed heretics), but also against adulterers, thieves, ‘witches’ and just anyone really who was accused of something. Some of the torture methods were truly horrific and made me very very glad to live in the 2000s!

Before finishing up your day, finish with a stroll around the inner walls – you can walk round a lot of them for view over Carcassonne and across the Medieval town which are lovely.

Finish off your day in the Medieval city with a traditional dinner. The main dish you have to try in the region is Cassoulet, a delicious dish with white beans, sauce and usually duck. It was very tasty.


One of the things you can’t do when you’re in the city is get a view of the whole city. So start your morning off with a walk outside of the walls to one of the gorgeous surrounding viewpoints. We absolutely loved this one just off the Chemin des Ourtets.

View from the Vineyard at the top of Chemin des Ourtets

Next head down to the castle again, and walk round the outside of the walls to get some nice views up close to the Chateau. I really liked the south and west sides.

As you walk around the base of the castle, you will come across an exit point out towards the River Aude and the new city centre. Follow this to reach the Pont Neuf Bridge which provides some stunning views back, and is a lovely place to just take a walk along the river bank parks as well.

Views from the Mirador

Crossing the bridge you will find yourself in the Bastide area of Carcassonne, which is effectively the new town. There are some beautiful squares, a cathedral, an art museum and lots of places to eat, drink and shop as well. Perhaps even treat yourself to a traditional Galette crepe for lunch.

Carcassonne Museum

Cross through the Bastide area and head to the Canal du Midi, considered one of the greatest construction works of the 17th century. The canal connects the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and historically enabled efficient transit of goods across France rather than having to go around and pay taxes to Spain.

The Canal du Midi is one of the oldest canals of Europe still in operation, and the key challenge at its design was how to fill it with water in such a dry area of the continent. Water is actually brought down from the nearby mountains, which at the time was an ingenious solution. The Canal is now a world heritage site, as well as an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark!

At this point you could walk along the canal or hire a boat to cruise along it.

Walking along the Canal

After enjoying the canal, head back to the Old Town via the Pont Vieux, the old bridge of the city which again gives lovely views over the river and back to the castle.

View from the Old Bridge back to the city (feat. Dad)

After passing over the Point Vieux, drop down in the park area below for a nice stroll before heading back in to the old town area for a final dinner in Carcassonne.

If you’re super planned you could also tie your visit in to the Bastille Day 14th July fireworks for an extra special experience. If you have longer than 2 days in Carcassonne, you may also want to consider day trips to Lastours Castles, Narbonne, Beziers or Toulouse.

What do you think of this amazing city? I hope you enjoyed it – thank you as always for reading; stay safe and happy travelling.

37 responses to “A Perfect 2 day Carcassonne Itinerary”

  1. wow, it’s like you stepped into a storybook of knights and fair maidens. All you need is some dragon causing mischief and the story would be complete. Those views from the ramparts are stunning! And the museum of the inquisition looks fascinating. I would definitely put this on my France list 🙂 My favorite part of this post though is that lovely picture of your parents- they have the kind of smile that light up their whole being and brighten everything around them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s such a beautiful city isn’t it, it really was like stepping back in to the Medieval age. Awww you’re too kind – they were definitely so happy (as were we!) and had the best time. It’s great to be able to travel with them and have shared experiences 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks lovely Hannah – I love those walls….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The history is fascinating, the citadel is fabulous, and the city is utterly charming. Thank you for sharing your visit to Carcassonne with us, Hannah! Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much – it’s a really beautiful city and so glad I visited 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great info – I’ll be referring back to this if we end up incorporating the city into our 2023 travel plans.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you have the time to visit it, it’s an amazing place for sure

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This brings back memories of our time there in Carcassonne. Such historic sites to see and great images.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Anita, it’s a beautiful place that’s for sure.


  6. Ah, you had a wonderful day in Carcassonne! I went there in 2018 in the wintertime, but luckily had a blue-sky, albeit slightly-chilly day. Glad you tried French food while in town: Camembert is actually from Normandy, but the cassoulet is a solid and hearty SW France dish: so greasy and so good! Touring the ramparts of the citadel is a must, and to get views of it from outside of the walls is also a wonderful sight to see. Glad you had a great time in town!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Such a wonderful time there, it’s amazing. It was lovely to explore more of France as I hadn’t been for absolutely years and I definitely fell in love with it


  7. This looks like quintessential southern France. So rich in history and lush green landscapes. The food looks fantastic, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For sure – and I ate way too much food, as always on holiday! 🙂 Thanks for reading Leighton

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You’ve convinced me, I must visit the south of France one day! I also love your hat, I have one like that but I haven’t worn it yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe you absolutely must! Aw thanks lovely, I would be lost without my hat in the summer- I really struggle with sun stroke and sun burn so I was very glad for it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know that struggle! There’s a reason I don’t do beach vacations 😂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Carcassonne looks so picturesque with all the cobblestone streets, medieval architecture and chateaus. And how amazing that it’s not very touristy. The views from the walls look beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it’s a beautiful little city and well worth a visit for sure 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Amazing article and the pictures look stunning, I also loved all the info about its history! I passed by Carcasson once but only had a walk inside the medieval town, it felt like behin in a different time entirely! The more modern part of the city reminds me a bit of Avignon and Arles – have you been there? Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really does feel like you’ve stepped back in to Medieval Europe doesn’t it, albeit I’m sure a lot cleaner and less smelly!! I haven’t been to Avignon or Arles, but after my trip to Carcassonne I decided I definitely need to explore more of France 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Carcassonne is on our list, and we hope to visit in the spring, but after seeing your gorgeous photos, I want to go now! How lovely you got to spend some time there with your parents. Thanks for sharing, we now know exactly what we want to see there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I’m so glad it’s on your list to visit – it’s the opposite end of the country to you, but well worth the trip. It was just beautiful, and extra special to go with my parents for sure 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. WOW! What an amazing city. I can’t wait to visit one day. Thanks for the inspiration. Mel

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw so glad you like it – thanks so much for reading and commenting Mel 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Carcassonne looks beautiful Hannah. I’ve often considered visiting but it’s somewhere I’ve not got around to exploring but your post has certainly moved the city further up the list. So mice that you visited with your parents, there’s nothing better than a family get together! I also quite fancy taking a relaxing boat trip one day on the Canal du Midi! Have a lovely weekend. M.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a joy to explore, so beautiful. And definitely great to spend time with my parents there 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. You visit the most amazing locations, Hannah 🙂 The historical castles and other structures of Carcassonne are stunning, particularly from elevated perspectives. I’d love to walk through the Basilica, though would resist sitting in that uncomfortable appearing chair, haha. Another excellent travel adventure you’ve shared, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thanks Phil, you’re too kind 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks as always for reading and taking the time to comment. Have a great afternoon.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. There’s always an anticipation to explore an “old city” by walking through those gates … you have great photos of the streets (and the baked Camembert)! And your second day’s walk is beautiful – such lovely views of the river and canal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed the little tour – the Camembert was for sure a delicious highlight 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  16. […] had no idea what was in Narbonne, but on our recent trip to Carcassonne, we were looking for day trip options and it came highly recommended. I can see why. Narbonne was […]


  17. […] the wonderful village of Lastours in the South of France back in July this year whilst staying in Carcassonne to hike to its four ancient castles – and I can’t wait to show you how beautiful it […]


  18. […] of the most amazing places to be for Bastille Day fireworks is the medieval city of Carcassonne, in the south of France. Visiting for the fireworks is one of my favourite European travel […]


  19. I am glad to see you had a wonderful time exploring Carcassonne, and I have to admit that I’ve never even heard about it before, but then again, in my defence, France is huge and there are still many places that I have yet to discover! Thanks so much for sharing and taking me on tour! Take care Aiva xx

    Liked by 1 person

  20. ThingsHelenLoves

    What a beautiful place, so many of those views could be taken from the pages of a story book. Good views, history, miles to walk and good food. Yep, I reckon me and Carcassonne would get along famously.

    Oh and love the shot of you looking up at the castle in (I think?) sunset light. So, so pretty!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw I’m so glad you like it Helen, I think you’d enjoy it too. And yes that one in the sunset light was taken by my Dad – he managed to capture a nice photo 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  21. […] July, we headed to Carcassonne in France with my parents for their wedding anniversary. We watched the famous fireworks, took a […]


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About the author

Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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