2023 in Review

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Happy New Year everyone! As we’ve closed the door on 2023, I’m doing my annual reflection post which also coincides with my blog-iversary (4 years today!).

I’m going to get a bit deep because nearly dying in 2021 made me reassess a lot of things in life. I think as you grow up you’re almost conditioned in to ‘phases’ that life ‘should’ take – education, marriage, parenting etc. In realising my life phases weren’t going to follow that pattern after all my infertility issues, I really struggled for a while. I became scared when faced with the meaning of my own life without children, and with the prospect of identifying what my next ‘phases’ and purpose would be.

Of course, in time, I have realised these worries are true for anyone, parent or not, and sit at the core of being human for many of us, and 2023 felt like a year of re-setting my own expectations of life. It was a year where I had stability for the first time in a long time, and I realise as I settled in to it that it’s my new normal. Perhaps there are no new phases, or no new huge changes to come – perhaps living this life is me until I die. And that’s just fine, because I loved 2023 and the adventures it brought.

January was spent at home and quiet, doing some local day trips such as exploring Cambridge Central Mosque and Cambridge University. The weather was cold and the days short so my free time was largely spent working hard during the week and then wrapped in a blanket in front of the fire reading books, and going on long walks at the weekend around the local Fens to explore more of the nature that’s on my doorstep.

Winter Walks in Fenland

In amongst lots more work, in early February we headed to Brenner’s Park in Baden Baden. It was a really beautiful trip and Germany feels like a second home to me so I was happy to be back. The highlight of the month though was undoubtedly my husband’s incredibly special homemade escape room board game which he gave to me as a birthday present.

Winter views over Baden Baden

In early March I headed to my parents’ for the weekend and we visited Calke Abbey. I also spoke at a global conference on Infertility in front of 1,000 people. It was very nerve wracking and I cried and spoke for too long, but I’m so glad I did it. Helping educate and raise awareness is something I’m passionate about doing in moderation going forwards.

At the end of March, my husband and I visited Slovenia for an incredible trip. I totally fell in love with this lovely little country, and had a real moment sitting by Lake Bled counting my blessings.

Lake Bled

April saw the sun return and whilst work was really busy for me, at the weekend we did quite a few walks while the weather was mild. I also had a wonderful weekend with my Mum while my Dad was away walking the Pennine Way. We visited Morton Hall Tulip Festival, as well as Coughton Court & Hanbury Hall.

Peaceful Spring walks

In early May I had a trip to York with my friend and we enjoyed a warm weekend exploring the city. I’d not seen her in a really long time and it was lovely to catch up properly.

Views of York Minster

My husband and I then headed off to Switzerland & Liechtenstein for 10 days at the end of the month. Whilst totally beautiful, I do have to admit that this wasn’t one of our top trips – our luggage was lost and my husband really struggled with hay fever and asthma to the point we had to call a Doctor out, plus he couldn’t do too much as his breathing was so poor. We all have those trips which don’t quite turn out as planned and it was still nice to get away (but also nice to get home).

Lake Geneva

After our Switzerland trip, my husband headed away to Japan, Korea and Hong Kong for 6 weeks. As I was by myself, my Dad came to stay with me. I’ve never spent a long time with him just the two of us and it was lovely to have him in the house. He laboured in the garden, sorted out my DIY and even shaved my doors down so they’d close properly. It was so lovely to have that time together. I also found out while my Dad was staying that I’d won my female business leadership award which I’m really proud of.

At my award’s ceremony

After a month husband-less at home, I’d had enough and flew to Hong Kong for the weekend to see him. I had the absolute best time exploring between monsoon warnings and look back so fondly at the crazy adventure. Being able to go on trips like this on a whim is a blessing for which I’m incredibly grateful.

After returning from HK, the highlight was my goddaughter’s Christening. I have spent a lot of time with her this year, seeing her at least every month. I get huge joy from being with her and am truly invested in being a permanent part of her life.

Hong Kong skyline

August was spent at home, focusing on work and pootling at the weekends. The weather was nice, so I really enjoyed re-vamping the garden, watching sport and just generally pottering. We also had our annual date day in Cambridge – a day of drinking and eating our way around our home city.

It was also my grandpa’s 90th birthday party and a wonderful day was spent celebrating with all of my family. He is in a home now and suffers with his memory, but I hope we surrounded him with love and put a smile on his face.

Cambridge date day

A crazy heatwave hit at the beginning of September taking us up to 34C (95F). It was so hot I largely stayed in an air conditioned office and work, work, worked. Then later in the month, I flew to Croatia to explore the Dalmatian Coast with my parents. I’m so grateful to be able to have lots of adventures with my Mum and Dad.

In Dubrovnik

I had my first Go Live on my work project in October, so the month was largely lost to work. It was total chaos and seriously long hours but I did manage to make time one weekend to go and watch an NFL game at Wembley in London – each year the league takes a few games on the road, and we were able to see the Week 3 match up between the Atlanta Falcons and Jacksonville Jaguars.

At the game

November brought the freezing weather to England, so we escaped it by heading on our long haul holiday of the year to Thailand. It was one of the best breaks I’ve ever had and I’m so very grateful to be able to go on trips like this. Whilst I’d trade them in a heart beat to have been able to have a family, I’m sure as heck going to enjoy them given that I don’t.

In my villa on Koh Yao Noi

Back from Thailand, the second half of November and pretty much all of December was again lost to work. However, just before Christmas I managed to steal a weekend away to Paris with my Mum. We did something truly special and stayed at the hotel attached to the Palace of Versailles.

Just an empty Hall of Mirrors to finish the year off!

Aside from my individual adventures, 2023 has been yet another reminder to us all to treasure the small things and practice gratitude. With war raging in the Ukraine, and the horrors of the Israel/Palestine escalation, I have barely been able to look at the news. On Christmas Eve, closer to home, an extended family member died after suffering serious head injuries after a fall at the age of only 26. A reminder of how precious life is, how important it is that we make time, effort and do our best with those we love, and that we practice grattitude for what we have.

And talking of gratitude – a HUGE thank you to everyone who reads or subscribes to my blog. I do it as a hobby and a creative outlet away from a crazy stressful job. This year my blog viewing stats have gone through the roof, and I’m so so thankful to all of you who take the time to read, comment or just scroll through the pictures. This is such a supportive community – brace yourselves for lots more adventures incoming in 2024.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and prosperous 2024.

49 responses to “2023 in Review”

  1. Happy 4th blog-iversary, Hannah! It was a year of many adventures, my dear friend, and you’ve made it wonderful for us to share the stories along with you ~ thank you! I wish for you and yours a new year ahead filled with light and love, good health and happiness, peace and prosperity…all the best! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Phil and I hope you’re enjoying the start of 2024 🙂 Lots more adventures to come this year and I’m excited to get started. Thank you so much for your continued readership and support

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  2. Happy 4 years of blogging!great trips, I must read your Croatia posts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Tanja

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  3. What a great year you had. Congrats on the 4 years as a blogger!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Happy New Year. Here’s to more fab travel adventures and lovely times in 2024.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Absolutely – happy new year of adventures to you too 🙂

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  5. When my dear friend Jack is dealing with adversity, he says he’s processing. When life’s expectations don’t fall into place there are challenges and the processing begins. You have found a way to process the pain of infertility, and it was incredibly brave of you to speak at the infertility conference to share your journey with others. I have no doubt hearing your story helped everyone there. You have had an amazing year of adventures and time with your mum and dad. It’s been a joy for me to read them, and congratulations on your blog anniversary!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, your kind words are much appreciated. Here’s to another year of fun and adventure in 2024, and another year of the pain slowly reducing from my horrors over the last few years 🙂

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      1. I’ll keep you in my prayers, meditations, and send soothing thoughts to you.

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  6. What a great year! Congratulations on your leadership award and speaking at the conference on infertility. It must still be painful at times to process and I admire that you are working through it and continue to raise awareness of it. Happy New Year and I can’t wait to read about your adventures in 2024!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, that’s so kind to say. Happy New Year, and a year of adventure to you too 🙂

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  7. Happy New Year and Happy 4 years of blogging. You’ve had quite the busy year with work and speaking but still managed quite a few trips! Looking forward to reading another year if your adventures. 😊 Maggie

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Maggie, and a Happy New Year to you too 🙂

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  8. It looks like you had incredible adventures throughout the year! I’m sorry to hear about your family member passing away. But you are right, life is precious and short! Best wishes for 2024!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Vanessa, and a Happy New Year filled with adventure to you too 🙂

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  9. You certainly had a fruitful year of travel, domestically and abroad! With all of the horrors and sadness the world experienced in 2023, it has made us resilient, to keep going and have things get better with time. Wishing you another wonderful year of travel and adventure!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Absolutely, and to appreciate all the small things just being alive brings – we are lucky to be able to have the experience and lives that we do. Happy New Year Rebecca – I hope your 2024 is filled with adventure 🙂

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  10. Happy blogging anniversary Hannah. Balancing a high profile job with lots of travel has worked so well for you this year and I’ve very much enjoyed tagging along with your adventures. Life may not turn out the way we would have wanted it to but it’s short and precious so we need to adapt to circumstances and try and live our best lives possible. Wishing you all the best for 2024 and hopefully we’ll get an opportunity one of these days for a meet up, that would be so nice! Marion

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Marion – I can’t believe it’s been 4 years, yours was the first account I followed 🙂 I agree, I will embrace what life has given me as I’m so lucky in many ways and will continue to live each day with gratitude and positivity. Can’t wait to follow along on your adventures in 2024.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Happy New Year and Blogiversary! You’ve had some incredible travels, memories, and honors this year! That is so sweet your dad came to stay with you, girl dads are the best! I appreciate you talking about your infertility, it is unfair and hard to understand. We are going through a missed miscarriage, but it helps knowing we aren’t alone and we are hopeful 2024 will turn around and be our year. Wishing you all the best this year and hoping you will come to NYC 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Lyssy! I’m so so sorry about your missed miscarriage – I am sending you the hugest of hugs and lots of love. Please do take care of yourself and I have everything crossed that 2024 will be the one ❤ I am currently scheduled for a trip in September, so once my flights are booked I'll let you know 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ September is a wonderful time to come!


  12. This post is beautiful- not only for the beautiful pictures of the beautiful places of all your fantastic adventures but for the important reminder about phases of life and being grateful for what we have right now. I think we all fall into that feeling of ‘my life should be this’ in different ways and times. But then there’s those moments when you feel so absolutely grateful that maybe life didn’t go as you thought it should. I love following along on your adventures and I can’t wait to see where you take us all in the new year! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Meg – I think as we get older, maybe we get wiser and stop taking things for granted. Embracing the today and what it brings is so important 🙂 Thanks for your continued support and readership, and I can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store for you either!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Despite all the trauma in the previous year, you’ve certainly been making the most out of life by travelling and exploring new things and places. It sounds like you had an action-packed 2023. Wishing you all the best in the New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. It seems that you had a wonderful year. I wish you have an incredible 2024 year full of new unforgettable adventures as well.
    Happy New Year and 4-year blog anniversary !

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Angela – and let’s hope 2024 is a great year for all of us 🙂

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  15. So sorry about the untimely death of your family member, and on Christmas Eve as well. So sad.
    On a happier note, I had to laugh that you went to an American football game. I was raised in a Green Bay Packer-loving family, in a GB Packer-loving state, but I hate American football. I’ve never been to Lambeau Field (home of the packers), even though many family members have season tickets and I grew up 30 minutes away. I’ve never been to a professional game. I basically avoid it like the plague, which is hard to do in America, but easy enough when your husband is into English football instead.
    Great year of travel. Looking forward to your posts, especially about Thailand.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is so funny about GB. I’d love to visit Lambeau with my cheese head on 🙂 We absolutely love NFL and watch every week from over the pond – I support the Cardinals and hubs is a Bengal. We’ve really gone off English football to watch live at games as the last few we’ve been to have been full of violence and gross behaviour (I’ve actually got a post coming soon on the comparison of watching the two!!)
      Thailand is also incoming soon, once I’ve finally finished Croatia!! Looking forward to your year of adventure too 🙂

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      1. You know about the Wisconsin cheese head hat??

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      2. Of course 😁🤣

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  16. So sorry to hear of your loss. It looks like you had a wonderful year of travelling. I hope 2024 is a good one for you. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and happy new year to you too! 🙂


  17. You had a great 2023 Hannah! Besides all the beauty you’ve seen and experienced, you also seem to be content … and that’s a wonderful thought on its own. May 2024 bring you and your husband only prosperity — and I hope to travel to more amazing places with you again this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Corna, as did you 🙂 The healing journey, as you well know, takes time…but every year it’s a little easier 🙂 Can’t wait for all the adventures 2024 has to bring for us both!

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  18. Happy New Year, Hannah! And congrats too! It seems like 2023 was a great year for you, with lots of exploring and traveling! Even though I haven’t been on WordPress much lately, I have loved following you along your adventures on Instagram too! I wish you all the best for 2024!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Juliette, that’s so kind of you to say. Happy New Year to you too, and may 2024 bring lots of adventure and happiness.

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  19. An amazing year, Hannah! So many wonderful trips and a lot of precious time with your family. Wish you all the best in 2024! I am so sorry about your family’s loss, it is always tragic when such a young life is lost.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Leighton – and to you and your family in 2024 🙂 Let’s hope it’s a good year for us all!

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  20. Looks like a good year. Hope your go live went well. Awesome that you got to see a NFL game at Wembley

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t wait to see one in the US 🙂

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  21. This is such a wonderful and inspiring post, Hannah. I am glad to follow your adventures and loved your closing statement and thoughts. You know we should always remember that our Life is very short, we all are ageing day by day or I can say we are losing every new day when it comes to its end and then another day starts. So it’s just a matter of time, how we look at our Life. Time never stops for anyone, we must value our time, value every second of our life, take time to Love, take time to heal, to joy, to spread happiness. Thanks for sharing, and have a good day. Also – Happy 4th Bloggiversary 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Aiva – I agree, I have no idea where time goes anymore, and we just have to embrace every day as best we can 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, have a wonderful weekend xx

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  22. I’m very delayed and behind on my blog reading (as you may have noticed from the flood of comments just now), but happy new year! You had a profound and adventurous 2023, and I enjoyed following you around the world on your travels. Wishing you the best in 2024!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh, no worries at all and Happy New Year to you too 🙂 Here’s to hoping 2024 is great for us both. Looking forward to all the adventures ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Happy blog-iversary! A wonderful year and stunning photos. Thanks for sharing them all with us once again.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Ruth 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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About the author

Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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