A Day in Ravello, Minori & Maiori

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The Amalfi Coast is one of the most beautiful regions in Italy. Stunning views out to the sea, plunging cliff faces, towns built in to the steep slopes. It’s breathtakingly beautiful and one of the most picture perfect regions of the world I’ve ever visited.

We were in the region for a week and one of the areas I enjoyed most was the absolutely stunning Ravello, and the small towns of Minori and Maiori. These places were more off the tourist track than Positano or Capri, and I found them to be the most authentically beautiful part of our trip.

The best way to get to Ravello is by car, especially if you want to visit other places near by too. We hired a car in Sorrento and drove to Ravello in around 1.5hrs. The parking was easy as there was a huge underground car park, though the drive itself wasn’t – the roads were windy, narrow and absolutely insane.

If you’re not a confident driver, then there other options – the SITA bus can get you from Sorrento or Naples to Ravello, or you could hire a private driver or join a tour to visit. I’m glad we drove though to make the most of our time there.

Ravello was definitely the highlight of the trip, and is worth a full morning of your time. We started by visiting the gorgeous Villa Rufolo which is a private residence built in the 13th century – the highlight of which is the stunning terrace garden with incredible views out over the sweeping coast line.

There is also a little exhibition on site, and you can also do a guided tour to learn more about the history and current use of the Villa.

After a couple of hours at the Villa Rufolo, we headed to the main square where we visited The Duomo. It’s a simple church but beautiful and peaceful. The main square is also home to a number of restaurants so we treated ourselves to some lunch.

The central square and cathedral

After lunch, we strolled round Ravello town, and visited some of the many ceramic shops – our favourite was Pascal. We also perused the shops and enjoyed a final drink in the sunshine before heading on to our next destination at about 2.30pm.

Maiori is a fishing town, and is famous for its beach – one of the largest on the whole of the Amalfi coast. In 1954, the town was flooded and the city centre destroyed but it’s been beautifully rebuilt. The whole town is Maiori is dominated by the Castle of San Nicola de Thoro-Plano, rebuilt in the 15th century and which is well worth a visit. In total we spent about 2 hours in Maiori.

Just down the road is Minori – another beautiful little town, which is home to the Villa Marittima Romana, an ancient Roman villa which is an important monument and still conserves a number of its original frescoes and mosaics.

There is also a lovely cathedral in the town, but the main draw of Minori is its famous pasta so we finished our day off with an incredible dinner served in a small restaurant between brightly painted houses as the sun went down- it felt so authentically Italian and there wasn’t another tourist in sight.

This was one of my favourite days on our Amalfi coast trip because it was so nice to get off the tourist crazy path. My photos really don’t do justice to the beauty of the region.

Thank you for reading and I hope this post has inspired you to visit some of the lesser known places on the Amalfi coast if you’re planning a visit one day. But for now, stay safe and happy travelling!

26 responses to “A Day in Ravello, Minori & Maiori”

    1. It’s such a beautiful area of Italy 🙂


  1. Looks like a great place to escape the tourism. Lovely site to see.


    1. For sure – it felt like authentic Italy for sure 🙂


  2. great post and beautiful photos. 🙂 Italy is a place that keeps on giving, that’s for sure. There are many reasons to visit this beautifully diverse country – I’m pretty sure I could come up with at least a hundred different reasons why one should visit Italy – and its rugged coast is certainly one of them. Thanks for sharing and have a good day. Aiva 🙂 xxx


    1. Thanks so much Aiva. It really is, there are so many places to visit in Italy and I also can’t wait to explore more of the country! I also really want to visit San Marino one day as well! Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely evening 🙂 xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We had a chance to visit San Marino while we were on a holiday in Rimini and it was beyond amazing, so I can highly recommend it 😀


      2. Oh wow, I’ve never known of anyone who’s been so thats great to know. It will be near the top of the post lockdown list 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. A lovely reminder of our own visit to Ravello. I remember those narrow, winding roads in our hire car, definitely insane! But the little places were so nice.


    1. It’s such a gorgeous place isn’t it! Such a treat to be able to visit…I can’t wait until we can all travel again 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Such picturesque photos! I’ve never heard of these places before, and it’s true that they often get forgotten (let alone unheard of) by visitors while traveling along the Amalfi Coast. I’ll definitely have to give these towns a chance should I return to this region of Italy some day! Thanks for sharing. 🙂


    1. Thanks Rebecca! Yeah they are such beautiful little towns, all the more so for being a bit off the normal tourist path! Let’s all hope we can get back to travelling again soon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Looks gorgeous. This is an area of Italy where I have yet to explore, but would love to someday. There’s so much history, beautiful architecture, charming cities, and great food.


    1. Ahh yes I definitely recommend it, it is a truly beautiful area of the country and well worth a visit 🙂 Have a good day guys!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow, those views are spectacular! Italy’s on our list to visit … whenever that will be possible again … and then we will surely visit Amalfi Coast. Thanks for a great post!


    1. Thank you so much – Italy, and particularly the Amalfi coast, is just so so beautiful. Let’s hope travel is possible again soon. Thank you for stopping by 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful post and photos once again! The Italian coast seems wondrous. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to get a little taste of Italy later this year. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Thank you so much! It really is, and I so hope you can get there this year. We all need to explore again!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Great post – and the pictures look gorgeous! I have never been there, but from your descritpion of it and the pictures, I am sure I would love it! 😊 Thanks for sharing your experience, can’t wait to be able to travel again to see it with my own eyes!


    1. Thank you so much, it really is a beautiful place to visit and I hope you can see it one day 🙂 Hope you’re having a good week!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. […] Again these quaint little towns were fairly quiet so we enjoyed exploring the shops, beaches, views and delicious foods. My full guide on a day in these towns is here. […]


  10. Missy

    Hi there! Thank you for this info. May I ask where you hired the car? I am wanting to see these small towns and when I searched Maiori, your article came up! Do you think driving is doable for someone from the US? Haha 🙂


    1. Hi Missy, of course. We hired the car in Sorrento and drove out. You do need to be a confident driver, the roads are narrow, bendy and intricate parking may be required. But its totally doable….you are used to driving that side of the road in the US so already a big plus 😊


  11. Missy

    Awesome! Well, the fiancé (soon to be husband) wants us to hire a driver, it’s almost like he’s afraid of the hair pin turns or something 😂 I sent him your blog though to support a day trip to these three beautiful places per your itinerary! Thank you so much for the swift reply. 😊


    1. Oh congrats on your soon to be marriage Missy 😊 I really hope you can manage to get the driving sorted so you can enjoy these wonderful places, they really are worth a visit. Let me know how it goes if you do visit x


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About the author

Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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