The Lake District: A Guide to Hiking Old Man Coniston

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Climbing down from the mountain, my body is screaming at me to collapse. My calves hurt descending, my hayfever means I can’t really see anything any more, my lungs ache, I need water, and I need food and……I’m immensely proud of myself. I left a bit of myself on Old Man Coniston, but it also left its mark on me.

Old Man Coniston is a mountain in the Lake District, England. It’s not the highest peak, that accolade goes to Scafell Pike. It’s actually the 14th highest peak at 2,600 feet. Many of the walking guides grade it ‘easy’ in comparison to some of the other walks in the area. It wasn’t easy. Far from it. It took me 5 hours of hard climb, tough descent and 15km of distance to make it up, round and down the Old Man. Here’s a guide of how to do it.

Location & Car Parking: The only place to start the hike is Coniston. You could choose to park in the town, but this adds around 3km to your walk – instead drive to the end of Walna Scar road and start the hike from there (unlike us!).

Hike distance and time: Going directly up and down will be around 6km and take around 2.5-3 hours depending on fitness. You can follow the route HERE. We chose to take in more of the peaks all around though and did the 15km route HERE (in reverse, by accident). That website says it’s only 10km, but it was significantly longer per the Apple watch.

Terrain: The terrain starts on a slope so you have to be comfortable on steep ascents. On the path up there are a few points of scrambling (photos below), where you have to use your hands to get up the rocks, but nothing too scary. The descent is similar, having to climb down some quite steep rocks. Overall, the walk is graded as a ‘3/5’ in terms of difficulty. The path is well marked, so it’s the distance and amount of time spent climbing that make it hard.

Alternatives: If you don’t want any scrambling, another lovely walk in the area is Tarn Hows. If a moderate walk isn’t challenging enough for you, then you could try the difficult Coniston to Wetherlam.

We followed the route HERE, but did it in reverse by accident as we went wrong at the beginning; but were so glad we did as the ascent was so steep we’d rather climb up than come down scrambling.

If you’ve parked in Coniston like us, it’s a 1.5km steep climb up a tarmac road called Walna Scar. We climbed this road, got to the end and realised there’s a car park there. So honestly save your legs and start from Walna Scar car park.

From the car park turn left as you face the entrance gate (from within the carpark) following the sign ‘Old Man Coniston’. This will take you up on a fairly forgiving gradient to start with, slowly turning steeper as you wind through the remnants of the old mines here.

The incline starts to burn and the path becomes a bit more rocky, requiring some competent climb skills. You can take it at a slow pace though; we had lots of gazelle like people whipping past us and one crazy lunatic running up.

About half way up the ascent you will reach the beautiful Low Water. It’s a great chance to pause and relax by the water – but please bear in mind you have a LONG way to go on this walk so don’t want to spend too long there.

The view to Low Water

From Low Water, the climb is pretty much vertical to the summit of Old Man Coniston. In total it will take around 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on fitness. There are areas of just grass and rock with no path where you have to scramble up a bit.

The views from the top of the mountain are incredible – you can see down to Low Water, as well as out to Lake Coniston and beyond. On a clear day you can see Blackpool Tower and the Isle of Man!

Views from the summit

From the summit of Old Man, go across the ridge in the opposite direction from which you arrived. Where the path forks down (you can see it in the photo below), take that to the left and drop down towards Goat’s water – at this point if it’s too much you can continue down to Goat’s water and back down to the car park. Otherwise, continue back up again on the same path upwards (again as per the photo below) to Dow Crag and along the ridge until you reach the peak.

Passing Dow Crag, follow the ridge until you hit Buck Pike, then Brown Pike. The views here are incredible down to Lake Coniston, Blind Tarn and back to Old Man. It’s amazing standing there to think you were once all the way over the other side!

Views from Dow Crag across to Buck Pike (L) and then on to Brown Pike with a view of Blind Tarn (R)

After brown pike, it’s all downhill. You’ll reach a cross roads where you head left and down. Unfortunately this path is still 1 hour from the car park but is all downhill and with no real difficulties (other than the fact you have 12-15km in your legs). Follow the winding path all the way back to the car park and get an ice-cream from the van before collapsing.

And that’s it for the Old Man Coniston walk. I’m so proud to have achieved it, but also amazed at how others run it, do harder walks or do it in a few hours. I’m reasonably fit and walk decent distances almost every week and I was exhausted so please don’t embark on this thinking it’s easy. What do you think of the walk? Stay safe and happy travelling all!

38 responses to “The Lake District: A Guide to Hiking Old Man Coniston”

  1. Congratulations on completing your hike, dear Hannah 👏👏👏 That mountain looks challenging, indeed ~ steep slopes, rugged terrain and a long distance ✅ But, the views looks awesome!!! A wonderful accomplishment, my friend & I wish you fine week ahead 🙂


    1. Thanks so much Phil – it was definitely harder than I thought it was going to be!!! but the views were so worth it 🙂 Thank you, and you too!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Harriet

    I’m just about to embark on this hike next weekend. Thank you for the guide and highlighting the route you took as we would have come down the direct route and you’re right that’s much easier for ascending than descending. Thank you!


    1. Thanks so much for commenting Harriet, and so glad you found it helpful. I really hope you enjoy the climb – let me know how it goes 🙂


  3. Nothing on this hike shows that it’s easy … to enjoy a view like that, you certainly have to work for it (it’s those running guys that want us to think it should be easy 😉). The picture of you standing at Low Water is just beautiful … but so are the rest of your photo’s!
    Well done on doing this hike (and with hayfever – I know that feeling all to well – it’s even more of a challenge!)


    1. Oh absolutely, it was harddd work getting to the top – but like you say, views like that always are! I really just think those running guys are crazyyyyy. Urgh sorry you suffer from hayfever too, it really is awful when the eyes are so itchy and it makes you feel so groggy. Fingers crossed the worst of it is over for this year here! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Fabulous that you did a great hike. Thanks for these images..


    1. Thank you so much; it’s my pleasure to share the views 🙂


  5. My Brother and father hiked this mountain last year I think and they loved it!


    1. Ahh amazing, I’m sure they managed it a lot quicker than I did haha! It’s a great hike though and the views are just so rewarding 🙂


  6. Well done Hannah, the views look stunning from the summit which was worth the effort in climbing to the top. I’ve scaled a few peaks in the Lake District including Helvellyn but not the Old Man of Coniston so your hints will come in useful when we head back there. Marion


    1. Oh amazing that you’ve done Helvellyn. I’m definitely planning to return to do more of the hikes; it’s just such an amazing area of England, and Old Man Coniston is so worth it if you can spare half a day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. WOW! What a stunning day out. Half your luck. Mel


    1. Thanks so much Mel – yes the views were incredible and we were SO lucky with the weather 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. BEAUTIFUL pictures! The views were worth it, your readers are all glad you made the trek 🙂


    1. Thanks Lyssy, that’s so lovely of you to say! I’m so happy to be able to share the views with you guys 🙂

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  9. The Lake District has been on my radar for YEARS, and it’s a shame that I never got around to it whilst living in Europe (and just a country away from the UK!). Low Water is exactly the view I need, and I’ll have to dedicate a couple of weeks to checking out the Lake District, as well as the rest of the region surrounding it!


    1. Ohhh you definitely need to visit The Lakes if they’ve been on your radar for a while. Such a shame you didn’t manage to get across when you were so close by; but it’s always the way – there are just too many things to do. I so hope you get to visit one day soon and stay tuned for lots more posts from the area from me to hopefully give you a few ideas 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Looks amazing!! I always find that when hikes are hard, they feel more rewarding 🙂


    1. Thanks Katie – and yes, totally agree; at the time I was just exhausted but on reflection the views were so special and rewarding 🙂


  11. Looks like an incredibly scenic (and tough!) hike. Glad you had nice weather otherwise I’m sure it would have been even more challenging. I’m sure it was well worth the effort!


    1. Thanks so much – and you are sooo right, I was so lucky with the weather and the views were worth the climb! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Well done for reaching the top, Hannah! Climbing mountains can definitely enrich your life, because when you do make it to the peak you can rest assure that you are of the few who make it up there and can revel in the beauty and rarity of such a view. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day 🙂 Aiva xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is very true – always worth it on reflection and looking back at the pictures of the amazing views! have a lovely day too Aiva 🙂 x

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Wow.. what a great hike!! Incredible views!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Amazing pictures, all the pain was definitely worth it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Nic! The views were definitely special 🙂


  15. I love the old man!! 🤟🤟🤟🤟


    1. Such amazingggg views! 🙂

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  16. Are there many Old Man hikes in the UK? I remember hiking the Old Man of Storr on Skye


    1. Such a good question! I actually only recently learned that ‘Old Man’ comes from the ancient Celtic Alt Maen, which literally translates as High Stone. So yes, we have a few ‘old men’ here 🙂

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      1. Awesome, makes sense now haha

        Liked by 1 person

  17. Great work! What a beautiful adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. […] and then branched out to do other day trips, such as Ullswater (post HERE) and Coniston (post HERE) to see more of the region and make a week of it. We really enjoyed Windermere and its surrounds, […]


  19. […] Potter’s house), Wray Castle and many of the famous classic Lake District walks such as Old Man Coniston, Helm Cragg, Loughrigg Fell and Helvellyn. It’s also close enough to some of the other well […]


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About the author

Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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