All posts filed under: Reviews

Sail Croatia – review

Croatia has to be one of my favorite countries to date. With a majority of the country being on the coast and with over 1000 islands, sailing seemed like the perfect way to see it. There are a heap of companies that do sailing adventure packages such as The Yacht Week, Busabout, Sunsail and plenty more. I however, chose to go with Sail Croatia, loving their itinerary and price.

Gallipoli Cruise 2015 – The review

What a month I have had! 36 days on the amazing MSC Orchestra cruise ship, following the path of our Anzac soldiers 100 years on. I had extremely limited internet access on board, so this is my first post in over 5 weeks, but I’m back online and ready to share some amazing stories. Firstly I just wanted to do a quick review of the cruise as a whole and the MSC Orchestra ship.

Why you cant miss a trip to Fremantle

I had never been to Perth before this week. The only major city sitting on the Western coast of Australia and the capital of the state of Western Australia. I was eager to check out Perth before we embarked on our MSC Orchestra cruise, but with my family not being able to get any more time of work, we landed in Perth on the day of departure with no time to explore. We did, however, have a bit of time to check out Fremantle and it was an absolute delight.