All posts filed under: City Guides

10/10 is a city guide idea I’ve put together to show you the best sites to see in cities across the world. Essentially, 10 sights out of 10 hours, but also 10 out of 10 in value. These guides will help those traveling at a fast pace with maybe only one full day in a big city or for those who just need some ideas. Big cities with so much to do can be very overwhelming, so I will highlight the extreme hot spots that you must see and how to go about it! Leave it to me, then all you need to do is print and enjoy.

New York City – 10/10 City Guide

The big apple. The city that never sleeps. The concrete jungle. New York, New York. My favourite city in the world, and probably one of the hardest to see in just a day. But if you’re pressed for time or just want an easy guide on the best 10 things to see, here I have tried to provide 10 things to see in about 10 hours, so “10/10” that are also 10/10 in value. Get yourself a Metrocard and some walking shoes and get set for a busy day to check out these must-see parts of the city. Although if you have the time, stay as long as you possibly can!

Madrid – 10/10 City Guide

Madrid often gets overlooked by travelers who choose to head to the beach side city of Barcelona instead. Before traveling to Madrid I had heard mixed reviews, but this was quickly shut down by my absolute love of the city when I arrived. With an insane party scene and probably even more beautiful architecture than Barcelona itself, it’s hard to decide what to fit into 10 hours of exploring, but I tried my best.

Top 10 things to do in Lisbon

Lisbon. There are so many things I could say about this cute capital city of Portugal. The friendly locals, great weather, elegant streets, beautiful architecture and bustling nightlife make it a great destination for all ages. On my recent visit there, I found myself wishing I had more time to spend and I am already planning my next trip back! There’s just so much to see and do that you might get a bit flustered, so I thought I would compile a list of 10 things I thought were some of the best. Vamos!

Falling in love with Rome on my second visit

Well, technically third. But I hardly count visiting at 3 years old. My first visit to Rome that I remember was on a Contiki tour in winter 2013. I think this is where the main problem lied, as Contiki’s are rushed and we only had one full day to explore the city. Read more about what I think about Contiki tours here. After visiting Florence and falling in love with its Italian style, I expected Rome to be similar, but even more amazing. I was let down then, until my second visit when I did a complete backflip and would now call it one of my favorite cities.

Discovering Miami

Miami was my next stop on my adventures around the US of A. It was everything I could have wanted and more. After months in the cold of New Jersey, New York, Boston and Chicago, it felt amazing to step out into the heat. If you’re a party animal and love the beach (my two favorite things) then Miami is the perfect place. The beaches were better than most in California and the partying could rival that of Vegas. And with year round hot weather, I couldn’t think of a more perfect place in ‘murica’.