Venice: A Perfect 2 Day Itinerary

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Venice is one of those places I wasn’t sure if I was going to like. But instantly, as soon as I arrived, I didn’t just like it, I loved it. The little alleyways, endless waterways, glorious buildings and a good dose of sunshine made it feel absolutely magical and it definitely captured my heart. It was also a special trip for me as I went with my Mum who had always wanted to go, plus we managed to visit during an April heatwave so also avoided the peak tourist season but got the sunshine.

We were in Venice for 3 days, which was a good amount of time to explore the city. This itinerary post covers the core 2 days in Venice, with day 3 used as a day trip to some of the neighbouring islands, including Murano and Burano. You can also view my post on visiting Murano here.

So, how do you see all the amazing sights of Venice in just 2 days?

  1. Contents
  2. Venice Itinerary Day 1: The main tourist sites
    1. Start the day taking in the views in St Mark’s Square
    2. Climb the Campanile
    3. Visit The Basilica
    4. Explore The Doge’s Palace
    5. See the Bridge of Sighs
    6. Relax on a Gondola Ride
    7. Check out the views from the Ponte dell’Accademia
    8. Marvel at the Rialto Bridge with some traditional Gelato
  3. Venice Day 2: Taking it slow exploring the lesser known regions of Venice
    1. Explore the oldest Jewish Ghetto in Venice
    2. Wander the San Polo area
    3. See the notorious Ponte delle Tette
    4. Visit the Mercato
    5. Enjoy the pews of the famous I Frari
    6. F. Explore Dorsoduro
    7. G. Visit one of the museums or galleries

This is always the busiest area of Venice, being the main square of the city and home to some of the most well known sights. My advice is to beat the cruise ships and day trips to get there early and get your photos of the glorious Basilica, Doge’s Palace and The Campanile. I don’t recommend eating breakfast there as it’s extortionate, so grab something on the way.

View of St Mark’s Square and a Venetian mask shop just off it

The Campanile is a tall tower in St Mark’s Square, which is actually the bell tower of St Mark’s Basilica (see below). The tower was reconstructed in 1912 following damage and at almost 100m high, is the tallest structure in Venice. I definitely recommend going for when it opens. We did, and still had to queue for 30 minutes. By the time we got down, the queue was 2 hrs long! The views over Venice are well worth it though, providing glorious scenes of the lagoons below.

Views from the Campanile

St Mark’s Basilica is the cathedral of Venice – it’s main structure dates back to the 11th century with clear Byzantine elements which mean you can see the influence of other incredible churches like the Hagia Sophia in it.

Many of its rich artifacts and relics were plundered from Constantinople (now Istanbul) in around 1204 on the Fourth Crusade, including from the Hagia Sophia itself. Even the four horses above the door were plunder from this crusade, although today only replicas are above the door. For anyone who doesn’t know about the early religious Crusades, Italy and Venice played a huge role and it’s well worth researching ahead of a visit.

Today, the queues to go inside the Basilica are long but move fairly quickly and it’s well worth a look. You can also go up to the roof for views out over the square, and to see the infamous four horses above the door.

The Doge’s Palace was the residence of the Doge of Venice, the supreme authority of the former Venetian Republic. It’s an incredible building and is the symbol of Venice as one of the richest republics in the world at the time it was built. It’s stunning inside and out – and we spent about 2 hours looking around it and found it very interesting. Follow it up with a late lunch at a traditional Trattoria.

Outside the square

This bridge runs from the interrogation rooms in the Doge’s Palace to the Prison. It’s known as the bridge of sighs due to the sighs the prisoners made as they went over it. I thought it was beautiful and a must see, just off St Mark’s Square.

Are they a rip off? Yes. Do they last long? No. Are they worth it? ABSOLUTELY. Ours was so much fun. We booked in advance to save some money with Gondolieri Travel and did the route starting from Bacino Orseolo, not far from St Mark’s Square. It was expensive, and you may get a cheaper price on the day if they aren’t fully booked, but we both loved it. And hey, you’re in Venice.

Aboard the Gondola!

A short walk from the bridge of sighs, head round to the Ponte dell’Accademia for beautiful views down to the Santa Maria Basilica. One of the most perfect Instagram shots!

Beautiful views

As the day draws to a close, meander back across Venice with a Gelato in hand as you head to one of Venice’s most famous sites to finish the day – the Rialto Bridge. Stroll down the Grand Canal to get the best views of it, and then cross if for the picturesque views out across the Grand Canal itself.

Admiring the Rialto Bridge and views of the Grand Canal

After this, there are plenty of options for drinks and dinner in the area. There is a great wine bar called Vineria all’Amarone and for food, we particularly loved Ristorante San Silvestro.

Situated in the Cannaregio district, learn about an area of Venice which is much lesser visited. Today this area is the hub of the Jewish community, home of synagogues and other religious institutions, as well as heritage restaurants and shops.

The formation of the Jewish Ghetto in Venice happened in 1516, originally formed as a way of placating the Roman Catholic Church, which had already driven the expulsion of Jews from Western Europe. Immediately after, about 700 Jews were taken to this area, and the word Ghetto soon gained popularity throughout Europe to refer to areas for isolated minority communities. By 1600, the community had grown to over 5,000 people and Christian guards kept everyone locked inside the area.

You can visit the Jewish Museum, Museo Ebreico, or take tours of the historic Ghetto when you visit today. This fascinating area is well worth a couple of hours of your time.

Exploring the historic region of the city (L) and Memorial wall (R)

The San Polo area of Venice (north of the Rialto Bridge) was the most beautiful area of intricate alleys and canal ways to explore. I loved just walking about in the morning without anyone else for company, not really knowing where I was going. Feeling lost was actually a treat! Eventually I also found a lovely spot called Dolce Vita Coffee which served lovely cake – a perfect morning snack.

The Ponte delle Tette, literally the bridge of tits, is a notorious bridge previously frequented by topless prostitutes! I had to pay it a visit!

Ponte de le Tetti bridge

Just down the road from the Ponte delle Tette, is the Mercato. You can smell this area before you see it, what with all the fish – and it’s filled with lots of goodies, from dried fruits, to nuts, to eggs and meat. Perfect for a snack or to stock up for dinner.

A market stall

In 1231, this site was created as a monastery, though it quickly became too small, and by the end of the 1300s work was completed on the current, much larger, church. It’s now deisgnated as a minor basiliaca, and Titian (the most famous Venetian painter of the 16th century) is interred in the church. For me, the highlight was the incredible gothic pews.

Inside and outside of the church

Another lovely area of Venice worth exploring is the beautiful Dorsoduro. This felt really ‘authentic’ Venice – no tourists, just locals, and lots of lovely streets and restaurants. This area is also home to some great museums and galleries, like Ca’ Rezzonico and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, as well as famous churches such as Angelo Raffaele.

To finish off your leisurely day of exploring, visit Ca’Rezzonico to learn about the history of Venice, focused on the 18th Century. Or if history isn’t your thing, explore the art on display at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. After a busy day of more walking and sight seeing you’ll be ready for a special dinner before returning home.

Outside the museum

And that concludes my itinerary for 2 days in Venice. I absolutely fell in love with the city, and would love to be able to go back some day and explore further. If you have longer in Venice, you can also check out my post on visiting the island of Murano here (post coming soon).

Thank you for reading everyone! I hope you enjoyed the post – stay safe and happy travelling!

36 responses to “Venice: A Perfect 2 Day Itinerary”

    1. Saasdia

      Thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoyed it.


  1. Your itinerary looks great, I really loved Venice and would like to go back one day. By the way, I have nominated you for the Outstanding Blogger Award. Keep up the good work.


    1. Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it. Oh wow, that’s lovely of you – thank you. I’ll try and find some time at the weekend to participate, thank you so much for the nomination 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a beautifully written post Han with lots of detailed information. How lovely to have shared the experience with your Mum.


    1. Thank you so much – and yes, it was such a special holiday for us to share. Lots of happy memories 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love Day 2….. we’ve been to Venice – oh – maybe 3/4 times over the years but always as day trippers and years apart. So we’ve tended to stay in the centre and revisit the main landmarks. I’ve often thought I’d love to stay a night or two and explore parts of the city away from the main tourist trail….. I can see from your post how rewarding this would be….. XXXXMarie


    1. Ahh thanks Marie….wow you’ve been lots of times, though I totally get that when you only have a day at max somewhere you have to stay in the main areas. I definitely recommend giving it a night or two and exploring a bit further afield 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love to return to Venice .. this back memories and love your photos.


    1. Ahh I’m so pleased it brought back some happy memories for you 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely evening.


  5. It looks so beautiful, I think from your pictures and descriptions I’d like to see San Polo or Dorsoduro the most. Maggie


    1. Thanks so much Maggie. Yeah we loved those areas as they felt a bit more authentic than the main toursity areas – though they still have to be visited of course 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely evening.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I very much enjoyed this post. You were very busy for these two days. 😄 I was there 30 years ago and long to return.


    1. Oh thank you so much, that’s lovely of you to say. We were busy, there is so much to do in the city – and I so hope you get to return again one day 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and have a nice evening.


  7. Great post and beautiful photos, Hannah. I was fortunate enough to visit Venice before the pandemic crisis and was in awe of everything I had a chance to see and do. This was my second time visiting and I absolutely loved it. Thanks for sharing and have a good day. Aiva 🙂


    1. Thanks so much Aiva, that’s very kind of you. It’s such a beautiful city isn’t it, and well worth visiting for more than a day as there are so many areas to explore. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I was in Venice nearly three years ago, and I’d say that two days is the perfect amount of time to see much of the city. Yes, it gets a bad rep for being a “tourist trap” and “inauthentically Italian,” but it is true that there’s a lovely, romantic charm to it. I’d also suggest squeezing a half day in the colorful fisherman village of Burano, which is IG-famous! And of course, include tons of Aperol Spritz and gelato along the way! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I definitely think that’s the right amount of time – and I agree, I was going with low expectations and then it blew me away. And there are loads of parts that aren’t touristy at all! Yes Burano will be on my list for next time 🙂 Thanks for commenting and have a great day!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Venice looks beautiful. Seems like you had an action-packed two days there. It’s neat that you can explore the city either on foot or by gondola, such a neat perspective either way.


    1. Ah it’s such a beautiful and charming city – totally agree, it’s quite compact so by foot or by gondola are easy to do 🙂 Have a great day!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Such beautiful photo’s – love the market stall … your post just reminded me why we’ve always said we will have to visit Venice at least once in our lifetime – hopefully we’ll get that opportunity in the future ☺️.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much 🙂 I really hope you get to visit when all these crazy restrictions are lifted, it’s really worth it!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Such beautiful pictures, I especially love the church!


    1. Thanks Lyssy! Oh the church was totally beautiful, I just can’t believe they could make things like that hundreds of years ago!!!


  12. jasonlikestotravel

    Venice has always really appealed to me, although I’ve yet to visit. Glad it was able to exceed your low expectations and that you ended up loving it! It looks gorgeous! I’ve heard the gondola’s are ridiculously expensive but you’ve got to do it at least once in Venice 🙂


  13. The architecture and buildings look stunning! Some great tips, especially about the gondolas, I have heard they are expensive but like you say, if you are in Venice then it has to be done!


    1. It’s such a beautiful city! Yeah it’s super expensive, but I think as a one off while you’re there, it’s worth it! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Fantastic post! Definitely saving it for when we can travel again! Your pictures are also absolutely gorgeous! 😍 I have heard many people talk about Venice and I would say half of them like it, half not so much… though I’m pretty sure I will love it! Thanks for sharing


    1. Thanks so much Juliette – glad it’s been helpful! I found Venice to be totally stunning and I really hope if you get to visit soon, you love it too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. […] Venice is an incredible city, which if you’re visiting for just a day or two means you have to prioritise the main sites. But if you’re in Venice for more than a couple of days, then why not explore a bit more and venture to some of the glorious islands surrounding the main attraction itself? Just a short vaporetto (water bus) ride away, the island of Murano makes for an amazing full or part day trip from Venice, either alone or in conjunction with the neighboring islands like Burano or Torcello. […]


  16. We loved our time there..reading this makes me want to return.


    1. I’m glad my post could bring back some happy memories 🙂


  17. dear Hannah, how is the weekend going?? 🙂 would like to tell you that I nominated you and this fantastic blog for the Outstanding blogger award 🙂 of course dont feel obliged to take part, but it would be awesome to read your answers to the questions I left you at 🙂 see you soon then, PedroL


  18. Brenda O

    Venice was lovely! we rode in a gondola and enjoyed making our way up the canal. we had the luxury of having an opera singer sitting in our gondola serenading us and everyone else as we glided by. Such a special memory!


    1. Oh wow Brenda, what an experience. That sounds incredible experience 😊


  19. Anonymous

    do they have any lace shops? I think one of the islands close to Venice is known for lace making. I am going to Venice this spring and would love some hand made lace!


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About the author

Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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