All posts tagged: How To…

How to be a traveler, not a tourist

There is a world of difference between the two groups of holiday makers. Essentially, travelers immerse themselves in the culture of a place. They learn the history, grow from experience and appreciate religions. Tourists stay in luxury, spend a majority of their time on tour buses, take photos of the pretty monuments, buy tacky souvenirs then fly home with nothing new learned except for how to take a good photo. Whilst there is no problem with being a tourist, if the traveler experience is what you want to get out of an overseas vacation, then follow these tips. You will never be called a tourist again!

How to decide where to go on a short trip to Europe

Europe may not be large in size compared to other continents across the world, but it definitely is enormous in what it offers for travelers. If you have months of time to travel through Europe, then deciding where to go might not be too big of an issue. But if you’re one of the majority of us with a two or – if you’re lucky – three week vacation period, it can be tricky to decide where to visit. Here, I’ve tried to make that decision a little bit easier (but seriously, good luck!)

Top 5 Secrets to Cheap Flights Online (that you probably haven’t heard before)

It’s always one of the biggest questions people ask me about travel, and for good reason. Flight’s can be expensive. And if not, the cheap options can be dodgy and take 31 hours to get anywhere because of multiple stops along the way. Having always booked my own flights, and always searching for a bargain, I’ve created some of my own techniques that have saved me hundreds of dollars.

How to save for travel & during travel – backpacker style

The number one reason people say they don’t travel is because it’s ‘too expensive’. I am the biggest advocate for the ‘cheap’ holiday and for simple ways to save those extra bucks. I’m here to put things in perspective, and once you put these easy, every day methods into your everyday life, you’ll be out of the country before you can say ‘bon voyage’.