Christmas is nearly here, and oof is it cold outside. I woke up last Saturday and there was a blanket of frost everywhere, but beautiful clear skies – that kind of crisp morning which is in equal part freezing yet irresistible. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to go exploring, and decided to head down the road to Wimpole Hall. I last visited in Spring, but seeing it in Winter was just magical.

As I walked down the entrance path, carols drifted softly in the air. That lovely warm feeling of Christmas swept over me and I headed straight to the shop for a warm mulled wine (a bit indulgent before lunch, but hey it’s Christmas) while watching the carolers.

Feeling suitably festive, I headed in to the gardens to enjoy the crisp winter air on a walk around the grounds. The air was so cold that it made my eyes water and my nose turn red, but it didn’t matter because everything looked just so pretty. My first stop was the formal gardens with some absolutely beautiful views of the house, although my fingers nearly froze off taking photos!

Each Christmas, Wimpole holds a light trail in the evenings. I was visiting in the day so the lights weren’t on, but I walked around it anyway, enjoying the decorations. I particularly loved the big fat robin. The views out over the fields in the stunning winter light were also special, and I paused for a while just to enjoy them. I’ve got much better in the last 12-24 months of appreciating ‘the moment’ and feeling peaceful in myself so I just said a little thank you – for being healthy, happy, and privileged enough to have places like this on my doorstep.

After losing all feeling in my toes, fingers and face it was time to head inside and warm up. The house was decorated beautifully for Christmas with multiple trees and things to do. Christmas here must have been such an event and I could imagine it being full of families enjoying themselves.

I reflected on Christmas – I love this time of year, it’s been my favourite since I was little. I love the cosy time, snuggling down inside while it’s cold outside and enjoying some quality time with family. I do feel like Christmas today is so commercialised though, with a view of how it ‘should’ look in the media perpetuated by stereotypes. At this time of year I always think of those who aren’t able to spend it how they would want – those who’ve lost people, who are on their own, whose family have moved away, or whatever the circumstance may be. Christmas may just be one day, but I’m sure it’s a very complicated and emotional day for many.
So really to me, the most important thing is to make it a time where I give love -to be kind, to be grateful, to appreciate people.

So thank you everyone for your continued readership, this is my 3rd Christmas running Saasdia Travel Gid and it’s a joy to share my adventures with you. I am grateful for your support, friendship and shared stories. I hope wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you have a wonderful Christmas.

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