A Guide to Eagle’s Nest – Hitler’s Mountain Retreat

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If you’re a history buff, then Kehlsteinhaus is probably going to be close to the top of your list of sites to visit. Known as Eagle’s Nest, this incredible building sits perched among the mountains of southern Germany. It was used exclusively by members of the NSDAP (Nazi party) for government and social meetings. It was visited at least 14 times by Hitler himself.

  1. Reasons to visit Eagle’s Nest
    1. It’s a piece of history
    2. It’s beautiful
  2. When to visit Eagle’s Nest?
  3. How to get to Eagle’s Nest
    1. Option 1. Stay in Obersalzberg
    2. Option 2. Stay in Salzburg
    3. Option 3. Visit from Munich
  4. What to see and do at Eagle’s Nest
    1. Visit Eagle’s Nest Restaurant
    2. Explore the National Park
    3. Visit the Documentation Centre
  5. Other tips for visiting

Quite simply, it’s a piece of fascinating history and you get to walk in the footsteps of some of the most notorious people ever known. The building that remains at Eagle’s Nest was built as a social venue for senior Nazi Party members. It was actually built as a tearoom of all things. What few realise is that Hitler’s home (the Berghof) and southern headquarters – his second seat of power – were located on Obersalzberg, at the foot of the Eagle’s Nest mountain. The Berghof no longer stands so you can’t visit it, but the whole area is fascinating to understand and explore.

Even if you’re not that interested in retracing the steps of long dead Dictators, the mountainous region is so beautiful that anyone interested in scenery and views should still visit anyway. There are lots of well signed walking trails from the top, and exploring them is a joy – well worth a day of your time.

Views from the top

Eagle’s Nest is only open mid May to late October, though it all depends on the weather. As soon as it gets snowy and slippery, the mountain can be extremely dangerous. In fact, to access the site it’s just a 4 metre wide road, with multiple tunnels and hairpin bends (the public are not allowed to drive up to the site, but more on that later), and 12 people died constructing it!

My advice would be to visit in the shoulder period (so mid May to early June and late September and October) to avoid the crazy crowds that summer brings. Plus if it’s too hot it’s not that pleasant to go hiking.

Staying in the town of Obersalzberg at the base of the mountain means a really easy visit to the site. From here, you can catch the bus at the foot of Obersalzberg right to the top of the mountain. The public cannot drive to the top, you have to catch the bus or walk up a very steep incline (not recommended unless you are very fit and have plenty of time). You then reach the final part of the ascent which is via the original cylindrical brass lift accessed through a tunnel. Hitler hated using the lift as it was claustrophobic and I can see why – it really wasn’t an enjoyable experience.

Entrance to Hitler’s lift

Salzburg is the nearest major city, but actually lies in a different country to the Eagle’s Nest – Austria. It’s a beautiful city and you can check out my blog post on it (coming next week). You can get from Salzburg to Obersalzberg via direct bus in about 1hr, or drive in about 35 minutes. From there, you just follow the route above once in Obersalzberg.

Munich is the largest German city nearby, about 100 miles West of the Eagle’s Nest. There are no direct connections by train from Munich to the Eagle’s Nest, so you have to take a train to Berchtesgaden (transferring at Freilassing), then a short bus/taxi ride to Eagle’s Nest parking lot, and then take the bus ride up the mountain, as mentioned above. It’s a bit of a faff and in total takes around 3 hours, which is why I recommend one of the first two options.

The alternative to visit from Munich is to join a guided tour. That way you are driven straight to the base of the mountain in just under 2 hours and have more time at the site.

Once at the site, there are a number of amazing things to do:

Obviously the highlight – The Eagle’s Nest that remains is effectively now a restaurant with a scenic terrace just below the summit of a mountain. There are a few plaques, some information and even a fireplace gifted from Mussolini on show, but you’re mainly there for the magnificent views, combined with the horrible memories of an evil Dictator, to enjoy a unique experience.

The Eagle’s Nest sits within an incredible National Park, with stunning views. It’s here that Hitler (then a wannabe maniac) was inspired in his childhood, and his media propaganda machine built a lot of his image based on this version of him in the mountains (strong, outdoorsy, connected to nature etc etc). The truth is he actually hated the spot because of the changeable weather and being scared of heights.

Now from The Eagle’s Nest viewpoint you can follow a number of walks around the park, and I really recommend taking the time to do so.

Breathtaking views

At the foot of the mountain in Obersalzberg lies the documentation centre – built on the site of the Berghof (Hitler’s summer house). The house itself was destroyed by the Allied Troops at the end of the war. Now a museum explaining the history of the place and Hitler’s time there, the boards are in German, but you can get an English audio guide which is well worth it.

From the Documentation Centre, you can also explore underground in to the vast bunker system. Construction began in 1943 after the Battle of Stalingrad, and the bunkers contained meeting rooms, offices and archives – plus of course a plush set of living quarters for Hitler. You can’t help but boggle at the meglomania gone mad!

  • Wear comfortable shoes as you really don’t want to miss out on the walks
  • Pre COVID no reservations were required, but arrive early as the queues do get busy
  • If you have a dog, Eagle’s Nest is dog friendly so that’s fine
  • Plan to spend a full day there – it really is worth it!

And that completes my guide to visiting Eagle’s Nest. Have you ever visited? Would you like to go? Let me know in the comments below. And if you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy some of my other Germany posts:

  • Cologne – for baroque architecture and beautiful river views.
  • The Drachenfels – for beautiful castles and scenic hikes.
  • Nuremberg – for Nazi history, amazing sausages and medieval castles
  • Berlin – for amazing museums, an Olympic stadium, and stacks of history
  • Munich – for beer cellars, palaces and Oktoberfest.

Stay safe and happy travelling!

22 responses to “A Guide to Eagle’s Nest – Hitler’s Mountain Retreat”

  1. so interesting! The views look amazing!


    1. It’s such an interesting place! And yes the views are spectacular 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, the views from up there!


    1. I know right, absolutely epic! 🙂


  3. Wow, beautiful is an understatement!!


    1. It’s such a stunning place isn’t it! Definitely a unique place to hike 🙂


  4. I have never heard of Eagle’s Nest, but those views are STUNNING! Based on its geographical location and terrain, I can see how it can be difficult to get there from even the nearest town in Germany. All the same, it looks like a worthwhile place to check out for the mountains, as well as the fascinating historical association with Nazi Germany. Thanks for sharing someplace new with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah it’s definitely a really unique place and the views are incredible. If you ever find yourself in Southern Germany it is a must visit! Thanks for commenting and have a lovely evening 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The Storyteller

    I’d never have thought about visiting here as I knew nothing about it but it looks like an amazing place to see!


  6. […] Eagle’s Nest is the site of Hitler’s mountain retreat, just across the German border. A visit to this amazing place is a must if you’re in Salzburg for more than a couple of days, and it requires a full day of your time to make the most of it. You can read my full guide to visiting the site here. […]


  7. Now that is a place I haven’t heard of. I will add this to my bucket list


    1. Oh it’s definitely worth a visit, such a unique place 🙂


  8. How pertinent seeing as it rather Nazi now :))))


  9. Sounds lovely though. Austria isn’t open for UK yet?


    1. No it’s not….this is from a visit a couple of years ago. I haven’t left the UK since Feb last year…here’s to hoping for soon! 🙂


  10. I’m looking at Belarus for next week before they stop us leaving at all. I’m afraid that will be the next atrocity.


  11. Thanks for the tips! The views look incredible! This has been on my list for a while.. was going to try to get there before the lockdown, but hopefully one day soon!


    1. Oh for sure, it’s such an amazing place to visit – really hope you get to go soon. Hopefully the end of no travel is now in sight! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. […] of Germany’s famous fairytale castles and visit Eagle’s Nest and surrounding National Park (Saasdia Travel Gid’s post inspired me), so we decided to explore the beautiful Bavarian region and add a day in Salzburg to […]


  13. […] to do as a day trip from Munich, or to add on at the end of your trip – visiting Hitler’s mountain retreat is an experience. Whether going for the history or the hiking, the views will take your breath […]


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Hi! My name is Hannah, I’m a travel blogger from the UK who fits travel around a full time (and full on) job. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and hopefully help you to find some inspiration for destinations, things to do or places to stay. Thanks for stopping by – stay safe and happy travelling.

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