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Top 5 friendliest countries to travel solo

Taking the leap of faith to start traveling on your own can be quite daunting, especially when heading to a foreign country for the first time. I can say from experience that the environment you surround yourself in can make or break a trip, especially when you don’t have someone to fall back on during a tough time. So to help you decide where to go on your first solo ‘vacay’, here’s a list of some of the friendliest countries in the world to make sure it’s a good one!

5. Thailand

Thai people have continuously been noted as the ‘happiest’ and ‘friendliest’ in the world. With most locals in the tourism industry speaking English, they have amazing hospitality and are always smiling. It is also a great way to meet other English speaking travelers as it’s a favorite for Australian and British backpackers. An added bonus being some of the best beaches in the world and Thai food. The food is reason enough.

4. Portugal

Portugal was a big surprise for me and I met some of the friendliest people in the three cities I visited here. Unlike in neighboring Spain where sometimes English was sparsely spoken, most Portuguese seemed to speak it well or enough to understand. Whilst this should not be a factor in how friendly a country is, it will be a help to those on their first big trip overseas with little to no knowledge of another language.

3. Australia

Constantly seen near the top of ‘friendliest countries’ lists and Melbourne being dubbed the friendliest city IN THE WORLD in 2014, Australia really is filled with some of the kindest and most easy going people you could find. Not only is the nature at every turn visually stunning but the locals will make you feel right at home. Our brothers across the ditch – New Zealand – are just as much, if not more, friendly and welcoming.

2. Canada

The stereotype is true, but it’s definitely not a stereotype I would be ashamed of. The kind locals will make the views like these even more worth it, so much so that you won’t want to leave.

1. Ireland

Whilst the more popular holiday destination, the United Kingdom may be safe and friendly enough, the Irish take it to a whole new level. The locals are always up for a chat and a laugh over a pint or twelve. Genuinely kind people that will be happy to show you their green-tastic homeland. Full of some stunning sights too, you just can’t compare it to anywhere else on earth.

This list is of course of my own opinion of places I have visited in my travels. Any other suggestions? I’d be happy to hear your thoughts.

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